the Method and Results sections

For this assessment, you are not writing an entire APA7-formatted research report. For Part A, you are writing the Method and Results sections. Because you will need to include references in your Method section (at least), you will also need to include a Reference list.

The word limit is 1,000 words, which is inclusive of the main text. The Reference list, any Tables and Figures, and the Appendix are excluded from the word limit. The 1000-word limit is a hard LIMIT (maximum), not a target. Shorter submissions are completely fine.

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Research Question

To complete this assessment, you will report findings for a study based on the data and information provided. You are provided with a dataset to use (noting that there might be missing data in the data set, because missing data is a fact of life).

You should select one of the following options for your assessment. These are based on Yang, et al.’s (2023) findings and relevant psychological theories. You’ll see that the quantitative and qualitative components are linked in this mixed-methods study: they both address the same overarching research question. Thus, you will choose one option, and this option dictates analyses for both Part A and Part B of your research report.

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