Wk 3 - Emergency Management Response Analysis Part B

Write a 825- word paper in which you analyze the work of the secondary responders (i.e., non-law enforcement, such as EPA, Coast Guard, engineers, etc.) in the aftermath of the emergency. Exclude details about police and fire response, as they are primary responders. In your paper:

  • Detail roles within structured command (ICS).
  • Outline applicable crisis response objectives.
  • Discuss decision-making strategies and challenges faced by leaders in working through the event.









According to The White House (n.d), the main aspects of emergency management are control and key factors; various steps have been taken by the central government and most notably is the development of Incident Command System (ICS) to enhance unity of command amid federal, state and local authorities. This platform was developed from coordination challenges of interagency when handling wildfires in western nations. The responsibilities in ICS structured command includes a standardizing scalable idea planned to offer an organized and integrated structure whereas removing boundaries of jurisdictional. The requirement of ICS is that a system of command is created from the beginning of operations of incident, thus guaranteeing a unified command as well as the effective harmonization of multi-jurisdictional and multi-agency efforts.  Acknowledging that majority of incidents are locally managed, the command role of ICS is put up at response lowly level, and develops to include added jurisdictions and agencies as they come in.

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Ord Paper

           Carwile (2005) asserts that, ICS offers a way to coordinate the agencies and individual responder’s effort as they rise to plus assist control an occurrence. The organization of ICS, the size and structure which might be customized to the size and complexity of a particular incident, consists of five main functional segments (Administration/Finance, logistics, operations, planning and command.  Action preparation and objectives of management are central within one unity of command to control diverging information as well as enhance accountability to an institution of reporting and unified command. Thus, bureaus have the ability to react to emergencies in a way that is coordinated and affordable that allows the growth of common strategies and objectives. All together ICS is quite supple to allow ………..

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