Secret to success is thought to be director ability to manage, apply, and smoothly transfer the knowledge embedded in organizational routines from one company to another. At the same time, to adapt to changes in the situation, companies must constantly adjust themselves. Microsoft Corporation of the United States founded in 1975 and is regarded as one of the most talent-attracting, talent-development, and talent-retaining companies in the world. Since 2014, the position of CEO has been held by Satya Nadella.
As of the company’s latest restructuring in June 2015, several changes were announced that would help to align the company to its strategic direction as a productivity and platform company. Microsoft isn’t famous for its leadership principles, and that’s normal. Despite being such a huge organization, Microsoft has a relatively small executive leadership team.
It was only after Nadella became CEO that he reshaped Microsoft’s culture and defined the leadership principles Microsoft needed, and then it was promoted to the outside world with his popularity and external speeches. With reference to Yukl’s (2019) leadership matrix, this report will consider Microsoft an organisation analysing how their leadership teams, at different levels across the business, have responded to the current turbulent environment.
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