continuing development of leaders and managers

  1. Present an academic rationale as to why the continuing development of leaders and managers is essential to working practices and organisational success.
  2. This requires you to rationalise a purpose for the development leaders and
    managers and determine how value is or can be added to the operations and
    potential success of the business.
  3.  You need to consider how the development of these skills might enable better
    operational undertaking and / or business success. It is reasonable that you
    identify specific skills and how they might enable that success.
  • DO NOT talk about these issues as separate things, it is important to examine the key issues interrelatedly (so the reader can appreciate whether you see and determine how these elements / functions add value, or perhaps subvert (undermine) value in the way a business runs its day to day operations to work towards or achieve business success).
  • You should not just talk about the concepts of leadership and management, but importantly explore their relative purpose, value and impact on a business. Equally, do not simply write about the role of a leader or manager, but articulate how they enable business operations and success (purpose and value)

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